Thursday, March 27, 2025

Things To Do in San Diego: Thursday, March 27-Wednesday, April 2, 2025: zzzahara | Orgōne | K. Flay | Sawyer Hill | Laser Disc Drum Orgy | Billy Raffoul | CG5 | Poncho Sanchez | Allah-Las | Folk Implosion | Bob Mould

I don't know why my internet was soooo S-L-O-W while I was trying to do these listings, but I'm glad to have restarted and now I can type as fast as I want and it seems to be catching up. This week is kind of a funny one; it's spring break for some (San Diego Unified has next week off and goes back on April 7th), but for those of us not in school, Monday is a California holiday but not a federal one, so some people get it off and most people don't. This week will be busy; I'll be at Toby's jazz concert at Hoover on Thursday, doing the Quartyard show with Sawyer Hill on Friday, and at CG5 on Saturday. I've been asked to help out at Casbah on Sunday for the Swing Kids show, then I'll be working for Bob Mould (again) on Tuesday and The Smithereens on Thursday. I'm exhausted just thinking about it all. 

Stay safe out there. Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.

Rosey's Diary & Newsy Things: SDZWA CEO "Resigns" | Developer Wolves Guarding Housing Henhouse in San Diego | TFG and fElon Destroy At Will | States Sue Feds | Citizens Getting Renditioned |


Sloth Bear Brother and Sister Cubs (Taken by S24 3.26.25)

If you're coming here for lighthearted reading, skip this post. 

After the November election, I knew things would be dreadful, but doesn't every day feel like another year? The news is seriously so depressing that sometimes I just have to hit publish without even getting close to hitting the points. Like I don't really need to talk about or link to stories about Whiskey-Pete and the war by Signal, right? But things also feel pretty fucked up locally; for a time it felt like progressives were taking the reins and San Diego and California at large were safe, but with our housing turned into slot machines for greedy investors and Gavin trying to reach across the aisle with his shitty ass podcasts, it's hard to feel like anyone is looking out for any of us anymore. It's so hard to try and live "normal" when nothing feels normal. The pandemic was easy. This shit is something else entirely. 

It's spring break for many, so the zoo has been super crowded on most days, but then everyone leaves by like 4pm and it's mostly empty. I try to get my daily trips, but now even those feel a little bananas since there is so.much.drama with the news that the SDZWA CEO resigned...the day of this big employee-wide pep rally, which was canceled the day of...and three days before the union employees within SDZWA get their votes counted on whether to accept the pathetic negotiated offer or to strike. 

And I'm really trying to find joy. But we're still not really okay after losing Ficus, and this time of year for me personally is just full of sad anniversaries; my sister-in-law died from breast cancer two years ago this past Tuesday, and my dad died nine days later, just after my parents' 53rd wedding anniversary. We're preparing for some big life stuff, and Toby has been accepted to some choice schools, but everything just feels so insecure and unsure. So, one foot in front of the other, I guess, I'll keep bingeing shows and court cases to avoid the news as best I can, but pay attention when it counts, and just try to have some faith that this pendulum will swing back before life as we know it is changed irreparably. 

Stay safe out there | Nolite te bastardes carborundorum. 

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Things To Do In San Diego: Thursday, March 20-Wednesday, March 26, 2025: The Wellermen | Oneida | Jon Foreman | This Is Lorelei | Squirrel Nut Zippers | Rachel Platten | Pallbearer | Josh Kmak Farewell |

This week has been non-stop and I'm so exhausted and I crawled into bed late Wednesday night, or Thursday morning, depending on how you measure a day, and then popped right out, realizing I didn't finish these listings. So here I am, finishing the listings. I'm too drained to say much else. I want to look on the bright side, but shit coming out of TFG every day is really, really fucked up on the daily so brace yourself and find your joy. As for me, I've got family in town, and I'll be slinging merch at Music Box on Friday and Saturday. There are some super great shows this week, so try and get out to see some, and I'll do my best to take my own advice. 

Stay safe out there. Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.   

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Rosey's Diary & Newsy Things: Seaworld Opens Jewels Of The Sea: Jellyfish Experience | San Diego Initiates Paid Parking Plan For Parks (AGAIN) | tfg & fElon Are Destroying America |


The Klipspringer duo didn't seem to mind my presence in the rain (3.15.25)

I've been thinking a lot about the oughts. I was a single girl, struggling with my employment, barely making rent each month, partying too much, but I think I was relatively happy? But I remember San Diego was bumming me out with Mayor Sanders at the helm, and I felt like I couldn't even participate in politics because it felt like everything that was happening was the exact opposite of what I would do if I was in charge. Still, I started this blog, Obama became president, and things felt pretty okay for a hot minute. 
And now, here we are in 2025 and what the fuck is even happening? TFG and fElon are running roughshod over our entire way of life, our senators couldn't stand up to an insane budget that gives the sociopaths free rein to keep on doing it. And now San Diego is just going bonkers. 
I know so many people who were against bike lanes and are against the housing being built at a rapid clip in this city. I'm generally not one of them. I supported, nay, fought for bike infrastructure that has finally begun to be implemented over the past few years, only now it's scarier than ever to actually get on a bike because there are zero consequences for drivers on roadways as it is, let alone if they have a collision with a cyclist. As for housing...I, too, am sick of "luxury" apartments being built, but let's go back all the way to when Petco Park was built and took out thousands of SROs and housing, then JMI made gazillions of dollars selling gifted land back to developers and we've never caught back up. Add that most disgusting deal in 2021, DURING THE PANDEMIC, of the Conrad Prebys foundation selling 6,800 affordable units to Blackstone, "the world's largest alternative asset manager" and it's no wonder the most basic houses on desirable lots are selling for over a million dollars on the regular and people who should be able to afford rent are out on their asses as their rents got jacked after fake renovations. 
And now the City wants to charge for parking at Balboa Park and Mission Bay. FUCK YOU. This will be a fucking fight. They are taking a parking study done in July of 2024, THE BUSIEST BALBOA PARK HAS EVER BEEN because of "revenge tourism" after the pandemic, an actual prosperous time in America under Biden, and a 4th of July that fell on a Thursday, meaning most working Americans could take 3 or 4 days off from work, and end up with 9 full days for vacationing in this most desirable City of San Diego. I have tried to support San Diego and keep it positive over here, but I am FUCKING RAGING. When things are FALLING APART from the administration and repugs in power, our city should be BOOSTING what is left of parks, the arts, and community accommodations. And you picked the busiest month of the year for your $200,000 study. What about when it is NOT busy? You think Balboa Park or the Zoo will even be a choice if people have to pay to park, even when the lots are empty? Fuck right off. If you're trying to make up for a deficit, make cops do their fucking jobs and ticket people speeding 45 miles on my 25 mile street. 
On top of all that, the council succumbed to the threat of a lawsuit by another megachurch that stomped its feet and demanded they get to build a monstrosity in an area zoned for housing in Del Cerro. I have an idea...why don't you take THE OTHER FUCKING MEGACHURCH that was built in Mission Valley against the protests of pretty much THE WHOLE FUCKING CITY. 
It's so fucking gross. I love San Diego, but right now I'm really. fucking. disappointed. And it is hard not to be depressed AF about it all. But, I will carry on and fight the fight in the ways I know how. Including sharing all of this bullshit with you. 
Stay safe out there. Nolite te bastardes carborundorum. 

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Things To Do In San Diego: Thursday, March 13-Wednesday, March 19, 2025: The Rocket Summer | Murs | ShamROCK | Jesse Dayton | Joy Oladokun | Victoria Canal | Vincent Neil Emerson | Jason Eady | Rupaul |

It has been a super busy week in music, as it always is right around SXSW. Casbah had a ton of great show announcements, so if you're not getting the newsletters, sign up on the home page here (it's in the left column if you scroll down from the Just Announced list). Humphrey's announced the bulk of their 2025 shows, as did the San Diego County Fair, which runs June 11-July 6, and includes more frequent use of The Sound with their events, in addition to their usual Grandstand shows. Honestly, I don't know how everyone is doing it, with Wallethub just naming San Diego as the MSA with the highest inflation (compared to 22 other MSAs) and tickets for bands like Yeah Yeah Yeahs starting around $80 + fees, but with the whole country imploding at the hands of TFG and FElon, we need our music escapes while we still have them. We also know how many free music events happen in San Diego, so take advantage of all you can. The Belly Up announced the 2025 lineup for Fiesta Del Sol (May 31 & June 1) and with The White Buffalo headlining Sunday, you should definitely mark your calendar well in advance. 

Stay safe out there, especially during this next atmospheric river that is expected to roll through. Nolite te bastardes carborundorum. 

Thursday, March 06, 2025

Things To Do In San Diego: Thursday, March 6-Wednesday, March 12, 2025: Cactus Blossoms | Lesser Care | Maruja | Systems Officer | Anything Box | Creepxotica | Barns Courtney |

Systems Officer (Taken Oct 2016)

Whenever I can find time, I try to organize old photos and hard drives. Obviously that was pretty critical around the time my dad died, trying to put together family albums. And recently, looking through pics of Ficus in better times was really important and meaningful, too. But I also use a lot of data, so I'm always putting stuff into folders, then trying not to let my phone get too full, so I have to empty it to my laptop and then the laptop gets full so the external drives have to come back out. Never ending cycle. 

Sometimes this can be super hard, super emotional, super time consuming. But sometimes it's fun, like finding this 2016 pic of Systems Officer. The file name even tells me which camera I had back then. 

All that to say, I'm starting to feel better. I miss my dog everyday, often many times a day where I expect her to be in a particular place in the house, to hear her come up the stairs, to creak the floorboards as she would move room to room. But I've been getting my zoo time, my kitties have been super lovey and cute, and I've got a lot of work that keeps my mind occupied. This week, I'll be working at Music Box on Thursday and possibly Casbah on Sunday. There are a lot of super duper shows and maybe this dreamy weather will even warrant a trip to the mountains or something of the sort. 

Whatever you plan, remember self-care is super important with this whole country going bananas. Stay safe out there. Nolite te bastardes carborundorum. 

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Rosey's Diary & Newsy Bits: Saying Goodbye To Ficus | San Diego Music Award Nominees Announced | Seaworld to Open Jewels Of The Sea | Zoo Welcomes Joeys | Bird Flu Expanding Threat |

It's been a rough few months. I've mentioned that I've not been feeling great over the past few months, and after seeing a doctor for a real appointment and not just an urgent care appointment, I got "the talk" about some serious lifestyle changes and the usual shit they tell you, like eat healthier, exercise more, watch your alcohol consumption, lose weight, and manage your stress better. Those conversations are like, "yeah, yeah" when your in your twenties and thirties, but when you're older, they definitely hit different. 
But the are we supposed to manage this? What is happening in our government and our country right now is a fucking crisis that puts everything and everyone else, including my family, in crisis. And it has been so bonkers, I can only read what I can read and watch what I can watch and listen to a few choice podcasts before I have to tune out and just binge old seasons of Below Deck. 

And then on top of all of this giant shit sandwich that has been life, my beautiful sweet girl, Ficus, had declined much faster than we ever expected, and when, midweek last week, she didn't get up to greet me when I got home, we all knew it was time. I was able to spend so much time with her on Friday when we knew it was coming, and we sat outside in the sun until the whole family was home and it was time. And fuck. It is so hard to make the decision to euthanize a pet. You will constantly rethink it and wonder if you made the right call, if you did it too soon. After you look through the final photos and think about their last day, you second guess that you waited too long. All of it hurts so much. My social media posts are full of beautiful and meaningful and inspiring things, and I'll eventually read everything, but I can only really get through a couple at a time before I have to just put my phone back away. So, here I am, sharing some pictures of Ficus in better times, in the first couple years after we adopted her. When she was a scaredy dog but loved running in the ocean, or at the dog park, or at Mission Trails. Or happy just being at home on our bed. 

I will forever miss her, as I miss my others who came before...Kiwi, Pascha, Boo, Monkey, Sydney, Sugar, PA...but the rawness right now...just be gentle with me for a bit. It's gonna take awhile. 

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Things To Do In San Diego: Thursday, February 20-Wednesday, February 26, 2025: Jon Spencer | Ty Segall & King Tuff | Sam Outlaw | Emo Nite | Chat Pile | Grieves | Kool Keith | Orions Belte | Abi Carter |

David Gray at The Events Center, Harrah's Resort SoCal (Taken 2.15.25)

I'm not sure if I mentioned that I did a mostly dry January. After a NYE camping binge on prosecco and Jager (I do not recommend this combo), and ending it a night early with some drinks at Seven Grand and Black Cat. But all in all, I haven't been drinking much at all and I expected to feel invigorated and thought my sleep would get normal, that whatever this lingering wheezing and chestiness (people online are calling it THE COUGH, but I have all the symptoms except an actual cough). Anyway, all that to say that I had to do listings on Wednesday and now for me it's almost 4am and I'm exhausted and I know the second I lay down, I'm not actually gonna fall asleep. It's unfun. I would love to get back to normal normal, but for whatever this is, I'm still trying to find my daily joy, trying to catch shows here and there, and not let whatever TFG is doing get to me because that just launches my stress beyond, as it does for most of us.  

All that said, it was a pretty good week, overall. On Thursday, Darren and I went to watch Toby's last pep band performance of his senior year (which wasn't actually the last because the ladies basketball made it to playoffs), and then had an amazing dinner at 777 Noodle House, one of our favorite spots that we've been neglecting in our drastic cutback on eating out. On Friday I went to the zoo for most of the day and then met my mom and sister up at San Elijo for a night of camping. This time I just had some pinot noir and kept it chill, and didn't feel like total shit the next day. On Saturday, we went to Harrah's Resort to see David Gray at the Events Center. This was his "Then And Now" Tour, so he played a ton of stuff from White Ladder and A New Day At Midnight, which was pretty special, even if those casino show crowds are always a little weird. I got some time at the Alpaca Ranch in, as well as time at Sea World and the Zoo and then of course, Tuesday was a grind after a holiday weekend, but I had fun working at Quartyard for the sold out BALTHVS show. So yeah. Finding joy. Need sleep. 

Stay safe out there. Nolite te bastardes carborundorum. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Things To Do In San Diego: Thursday, February 13-Wednesday, February 19, 2025: Lomelda + Tomberlin | Video Age | David Gray | Adolescents | Steve Poltz | Cursive | Hippo Campus | BALTHVS | Jeremie Albino | Grizfolk |

I decided to dig up this old photo of me, Rhett Miller (of the Old 97's) and Steve Poltz for this week's photo. I think it's from 2003 or so...Rhett was performing solo at 4th&B and maybe Steve opened? It was a KPRI event...thus Rhett's shirt and lanyard, and it's also notable because I'm wearing my David Gray t-shirt...full circle, right? Because Steve's having his 16th Annual 50th Birthday Party this weekend. (Crazy to think we've known each other for 31 years!!) And also, David Gray is playing this weekend at Harrah's. And to keep on with it, The Old 97's are playing April 2 at the Belly Up. So yeah. A lot going on in this pic for me. It was like 3 or 4 years before I even started this site!

It's nice that San Diego finally got a big rain, though I'm not watching much news these days to know if it had any dangerous or negative repurcussions. Though I suppose a Navy jet nose-diving into The Big Bay is kind of a big deal, whether rain related or not. But rain or not, it feels like the Super Bowl is a marker for change in seasons in a way, and suddenly the music calendar is jam-packed all over again, which tends to continue in the run-up to SXSW and Coachella, then there's usually a little lull before summer. I've been looking at some shows, however, and something seems like it's all about to crumble. The amount of big shows with expensive tickets with half or more of their seating charts still available is kind of shocking, so there is going to need to be some major recalibration that maybe people's nostalgia isn't strong enough to make them fork over $60, $80, $100 for tickets, knowing that doesn't cover $15-$20 beers, $50 rideshare or parking, and $40 t-shirts. It's bananas and it isn't sustainable. Fortunately, we've got our small venues and small tours to keep us satiated and not tryna break the bank. And if you're into theatre, there's some great small theatres that offer affordable tickets for great performances. I've seen Other Desert Cities at the Cygnet and The Half-Life of Marie Curie and Love, Linda at New Village Arts, all in the past couple weeks, and all were deeply moving in their own way and I would recommend seeing any or all of them. 

Anyhoo...lots to do. Happy Valentine's Day and President's Day Weekend. 
Stay safe out there. Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.  

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Rosey's Diary & Newsy Things: $14 County Dog Adoptions | Zoo Baby Watch | US Wall Broke Treaties | Gaslamp's Car-Free Promenade Ends | WTF Is TFG Even Doing? |

Lupe & Amahle Having Fun On A Rainy Day (2.12.25)

I almost feel like I have to stop newsy things because how can we even keep up?? But there are enough things that don't have to do with TFG that it's still my little chance to vent and share some things. I'll probably repost these a lot, but since the general media is completely complicit in the immoral, wrong, and straight up illegal activities of TFG and F-Elon, ESPECIALLY the New York Times and Washington Post, it is critical to hear legitimate reporting and valuable commentary. In particular, I read Rebecca SolnitLetters from an American by Heather Cox Richardson, by Judd Legum, Civil Discourse with Joyce Vance, and Steady by Dan Rather. Wired is also very much worth the subscription price right now. There are probably 50 other subscriptions I have and read regularly, but it is all so overwhelming all the time that it's important to give everything a minute...not respond to every stupid and ignorant proclamation or EO, every press statement from the State Department, or every Facebook reaction to whatever stupid headline wins the day. I'm trying to watch the courts, the lawsuits, the injunctions, the stays, the tiny little belief that somehow checks and balances will work out and this jackhole and the worse-than-the-Taliban team behind Project 2025 will be stopped. In the meantime, just trying to keep our heads above water, one foot in front of the other, and find joy in the days we have. 

Stay safe out there. Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.